Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. It was produced by Cartoon Network Studios and is the first show made by the network to be animated primarily with Adobe Flash and was done in Ireland by Boulder Media. (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends ) [David Weiss, Bobbi & David Weiss, Bobbi Weiss] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The new show from the creator of The Powerpuff Girls is a smash hit! An admirable tale of loyalty and adventure-based learning with a contagious sense of fun.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Series overview [ ] Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 12 August 13, 2004 October 22, 2004 15 January 21, 2005 July 15, 2005 14 July 22, 2005 March 24, 2006 13 April 28, 2006 November 23, 2006 18 July 7, 2006 August 7, 2007 13 May 4, 2007 March 6, 2008 11 March 13, 2008 May 3, 2009 Episodes [ ] Note: All episodes were directed by series creator, with the only co-direction of in '. Season 1 (2004) [ ] No. In season Title Animation direction by Written by Storyboarded by Original air date Prod. Code 1 1 ' and Craig McCracken, Brian Larsen,, and Chris Dent August 13, 2004 ( 2004-08-13) 101–103 Mac sends Bloo to live at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends after being told by his mother that he is too old to have an imaginary friend. There, they meet Mr. Herriman, Frankie, Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo, who all announce that eventually, Bloo will be adopted by another kid. Mac is promised that Bloo will not get adopted if he visits Bloo every day, but they face problems when Mac's brother Terrence and a fiendish imaginary friend named Duchess want to get rid of Bloo.
Now it is up to Mac and his new best friends to join forces and rescue Bloo. They fight an imaginary monster called an Extremosaurus (which resembles a giant spider). The Extremosaurus chases Bloo around the junkyard, like in Pac-Man, but with the help of Eduardo's bravery, Coco's eggs, Wilt's basketball skills, and Mac's intelligence, they rescue Bloo. 2 2 'Store Wars' Randy Myers Lauren Faust Ed Baker August 20, 2004 ( 2004-08-20) 107 The day of Madame Foster's birthday comes around and Frankie has forgotten to buy streamers, so Mr. Herriman orders her to go get some. Change password for mac email.
Mac, Bloo, Eduardo, Wilt, and Coco tag along, but wander off while in the mall and get into various scrapes, slowing Frankie down. 3 3 'The Trouble with Scribbles' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis Chris Dent August 27, 2004 ( 2004-08-27) 109 Bloo finds out about a door in the home that everyone is forbidden to open. He asks around about the door, but no one will tell him what is behind it.
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Finally Bloo snaps and opens the door, releasing hundreds of imaginary friends called scribbles, small friends created by babies. The scribbles are natural hard-workers that begin to work around the house, making everyone become lazy. 4 4 'Busted' Robert Alvarez Chris Dent September 3, 2004 ( 2004-09-03) 104 Mr. Herriman is not happy about Bloo not perfectly following the rules of the house. When he threatens to kick Bloo out, Bloo gets so stressed out that he accidentally breaks a bust of Madame Foster.
Bloo tries to find a way to fix the broken bust before Mr. Herriman finds out. 5 5 'Dinner Is Swerved' Robert Alvarez Amy Keating Rogers Brian Larsen September 10, 2004 ( 2004-09-10) 105 When Mac visits Foster's, Bloo wants to show him something up on the roof, though when it is time for them to go back downstairs, they find themselves lost and unable to get downstairs. Meanwhile, everyone in the dining room sneaks food when Mr. Herriman is not looking after he insists they wait for Bloo to arrive before eating dinner. 6 6 'World Wide Wabbit' Randy Myers Lauren Faust Ed Baker September 17, 2004 ( 2004-09-17) 110 Mac and Bloo are using Frankie's digital camera to make video interviews for the new Foster's website, when they stumble upon Mr. Herriman dancing and acting silly for Madame Foster.
Mac video tapes it, but after a quick laugh, he decides to erase the embarrassing video. Before he can, however, Bloo grabs the camera, shows the footage to Frankie, and eventually uploads it to the Internet. Bloo and the others desperately try to stop Mr. Herriman from finding out about his newfound Internet fame. 7 7 'Berry Scary' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis and Chris Dent September 24, 2004 ( 2004-09-24) 112 A new friend named Berry enters the house and acts as sweet as she can be, though with one glance at Bloo, she becomes lovestruck and is determined to make Bloo love her back. When he ignores her, she feels that Mac is getting in the way (though it is actually just Bloo's self-centered nature). 8 8 'Seeing Red' Robert Alvarez and Randy Myers Chuck Klein Chuck Klein October 1, 2004 ( 2004-10-01) 111a Terrence has an idea to make up a square friend named Red to beat Bloo up with so he can bully Mac to his heart's content, but the friend he creates is friendly instead of being mean and violent.
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Mac video tapes it, but after a quick laugh, he decides to erase the embarrassing video. Before he can, however, Bloo grabs the camera, shows the footage to Frankie, and eventually uploads it to the Internet. Bloo and the others desperately try to stop Mr. Herriman from finding out about his newfound Internet fame. 7 7 'Berry Scary' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis and Chris Dent September 24, 2004 ( 2004-09-24) 112 A new friend named Berry enters the house and acts as sweet as she can be, though with one glance at Bloo, she becomes lovestruck and is determined to make Bloo love her back. When he ignores her, she feels that Mac is getting in the way (though it is actually just Bloo's self-centered nature). 8 8 'Seeing Red' Robert Alvarez and Randy Myers Chuck Klein Chuck Klein October 1, 2004 ( 2004-10-01) 111a Terrence has an idea to make up a square friend named Red to beat Bloo up with so he can bully Mac to his heart's content, but the friend he creates is friendly instead of being mean and violent.
...">Mac Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends X Reader(16.01.2019)Mac video tapes it, but after a quick laugh, he decides to erase the embarrassing video. Before he can, however, Bloo grabs the camera, shows the footage to Frankie, and eventually uploads it to the Internet. Bloo and the others desperately try to stop Mr. Herriman from finding out about his newfound Internet fame. 7 7 'Berry Scary' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis and Chris Dent September 24, 2004 ( 2004-09-24) 112 A new friend named Berry enters the house and acts as sweet as she can be, though with one glance at Bloo, she becomes lovestruck and is determined to make Bloo love her back. When he ignores her, she feels that Mac is getting in the way (though it is actually just Bloo's self-centered nature). 8 8 'Seeing Red' Robert Alvarez and Randy Myers Chuck Klein Chuck Klein October 1, 2004 ( 2004-10-01) 111a Terrence has an idea to make up a square friend named Red to beat Bloo up with so he can bully Mac to his heart's content, but the friend he creates is friendly instead of being mean and violent.
...">Mac Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends X Reader(16.01.2019)