
Stereonet plotting program for Windows, MacOS X rose diagrams. I design in Illustrator and save as an EPS. Open in Mac Cut (Mac version of Winplot) and cut. This is a bridge program that does nothing but cut, so you have to have everything the way you want it before you save. It's free from Summa.

Download software The Winplot software consists of a single program, winplot.exe. Follow these instructions to download and install the program on your home computer: • Create a directory on your C drive and name it 'winplot'. • Left-click on this icon: to connect to the Winplot website. • Click on the Winplot link at the top of the Winplot website. • Download and save the file wp32z.exe into your new directory C: winplot. • Open Windows Explorer or My Computer, navigate to your C: winplot directory, and double-click your downloaded file wp32z.exe. Windows XP will unzip this file; unzip it into your C: winplot directory.

(With earlier versions of Windows you might have to use an unzipping program.) • Your C: winplot directory will now contain a program winplot.exe, represented by a yellow icon. Drag this icon to your desktop.


• Double click the yellow Winplot icon on your desktop to start the program. You may have to resize the window to your liking. Read the instructions below to learn how to draw graphs. Introduction Winplot is a graphing program written by Richard Parris, a teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. Parris generously allows free use and distribution of the software, and provides frequent updates.

The latest version can be downloaded from the website Although the program is free, it is of top quality and easy to use. Get skype for mac to sync with outlook calendar. These instructions expand on those found in the program's help menus; they discuss some techniques of two-dimensional plotting, useful in an algebra or calculus class. It is assumed that the reader has already installed the program in Microsoft Windows, and is familiar with the basic workings of that operating system. (These instructions apply to the August 22, 2008, version of Winplot.) Basic graphing procedure Here is a step-by-step procedure for getting a quick preliminary graph of an equation in two variables.

For most equations you will probably want to make later refinements to the graph. • Double-click the yellow Winplot icon to begin the program. • Click Window - 2-dim. • Click Equa, then click • Explicit for an equation of the form y = f(x), • Parametric for parametric equations x = f(t), y = g(t), • Implicit for a function defined implicitly by an equation involving x and y, • Polar for an equation r = f(t) in polar coordinates (t represents the angle q). • In the function window, type the formula for the function you want to graph. The remaining items in the window are optional. If you wish you can click color to choose the color of the graph.

For explicit formulas, you may fill in low x and high x (or low t and high t) - the endpoints of the interval where the function is to be graphed. (For equations y = f(x) this is usually unnecessary, as normally there is no reason to restrict the graphing interval - but if you do fill in endpoints, you must check the lock interval box to activate them. For graphs in polar coordinates you will probably want to accept the default values of low t = 0, high t = 2p = 6.28318.).

The pen width and plotting density boxes affect the thickness and density of the graph - usually there is no reason to fiddle with these. When you are finished with this window, click OK to draw the graph. Winplot will draw the graph in a window extending over the the x-interval [-5,5]. (See later instructions for changing this interval.) To make changes to the function you typed in, click it in the inventory window, then click edit and make the changes in the edit window. Click OK and the graph is modified accordingly. • To draw another graph on the same screen, go back and repeat steps 3 & 4. Indeed, you can draw many graphs on the same screen.

Stereonet plotting program for Windows, MacOS X rose diagrams. I design in Illustrator and save as an EPS. Open in Mac Cut (Mac version of Winplot) and cut. This is a bridge program that does nothing but cut, so you have to have everything the way you want it before you save. It\'s free from Summa.

Download software The Winplot software consists of a single program, winplot.exe. Follow these instructions to download and install the program on your home computer: • Create a directory on your C drive and name it \'winplot\'. • Left-click on this icon: to connect to the Winplot website. • Click on the Winplot link at the top of the Winplot website. • Download and save the file wp32z.exe into your new directory C: winplot. • Open Windows Explorer or My Computer, navigate to your C: winplot directory, and double-click your downloaded file wp32z.exe. Windows XP will unzip this file; unzip it into your C: winplot directory.

(With earlier versions of Windows you might have to use an unzipping program.) • Your C: winplot directory will now contain a program winplot.exe, represented by a yellow icon. Drag this icon to your desktop.


• Double click the yellow Winplot icon on your desktop to start the program. You may have to resize the window to your liking. Read the instructions below to learn how to draw graphs. Introduction Winplot is a graphing program written by Richard Parris, a teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. Parris generously allows free use and distribution of the software, and provides frequent updates.

The latest version can be downloaded from the website Although the program is free, it is of top quality and easy to use. Get skype for mac to sync with outlook calendar. These instructions expand on those found in the program\'s help menus; they discuss some techniques of two-dimensional plotting, useful in an algebra or calculus class. It is assumed that the reader has already installed the program in Microsoft Windows, and is familiar with the basic workings of that operating system. (These instructions apply to the August 22, 2008, version of Winplot.) Basic graphing procedure Here is a step-by-step procedure for getting a quick preliminary graph of an equation in two variables.

For most equations you will probably want to make later refinements to the graph. • Double-click the yellow Winplot icon to begin the program. • Click Window - 2-dim. • Click Equa, then click • Explicit for an equation of the form y = f(x), • Parametric for parametric equations x = f(t), y = g(t), • Implicit for a function defined implicitly by an equation involving x and y, • Polar for an equation r = f(t) in polar coordinates (t represents the angle q). • In the function window, type the formula for the function you want to graph. The remaining items in the window are optional. If you wish you can click color to choose the color of the graph.

For explicit formulas, you may fill in low x and high x (or low t and high t) - the endpoints of the interval where the function is to be graphed. (For equations y = f(x) this is usually unnecessary, as normally there is no reason to restrict the graphing interval - but if you do fill in endpoints, you must check the lock interval box to activate them. For graphs in polar coordinates you will probably want to accept the default values of low t = 0, high t = 2p = 6.28318.).

The pen width and plotting density boxes affect the thickness and density of the graph - usually there is no reason to fiddle with these. When you are finished with this window, click OK to draw the graph. Winplot will draw the graph in a window extending over the the x-interval [-5,5]. (See later instructions for changing this interval.) To make changes to the function you typed in, click it in the inventory window, then click edit and make the changes in the edit window. Click OK and the graph is modified accordingly. • To draw another graph on the same screen, go back and repeat steps 3 & 4. Indeed, you can draw many graphs on the same screen.

...'>Win Plot For Mac(24.01.2019)
  • mosedtronics.netlify.com▀ ▀ Win Plot For Mac ▀ ▀
  • Stereonet plotting program for Windows, MacOS X rose diagrams. I design in Illustrator and save as an EPS. Open in Mac Cut (Mac version of Winplot) and cut. This is a bridge program that does nothing but cut, so you have to have everything the way you want it before you save. It\'s free from Summa.

    Download software The Winplot software consists of a single program, winplot.exe. Follow these instructions to download and install the program on your home computer: • Create a directory on your C drive and name it \'winplot\'. • Left-click on this icon: to connect to the Winplot website. • Click on the Winplot link at the top of the Winplot website. • Download and save the file wp32z.exe into your new directory C: winplot. • Open Windows Explorer or My Computer, navigate to your C: winplot directory, and double-click your downloaded file wp32z.exe. Windows XP will unzip this file; unzip it into your C: winplot directory.

    (With earlier versions of Windows you might have to use an unzipping program.) • Your C: winplot directory will now contain a program winplot.exe, represented by a yellow icon. Drag this icon to your desktop.


    • Double click the yellow Winplot icon on your desktop to start the program. You may have to resize the window to your liking. Read the instructions below to learn how to draw graphs. Introduction Winplot is a graphing program written by Richard Parris, a teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. Parris generously allows free use and distribution of the software, and provides frequent updates.

    The latest version can be downloaded from the website Although the program is free, it is of top quality and easy to use. Get skype for mac to sync with outlook calendar. These instructions expand on those found in the program\'s help menus; they discuss some techniques of two-dimensional plotting, useful in an algebra or calculus class. It is assumed that the reader has already installed the program in Microsoft Windows, and is familiar with the basic workings of that operating system. (These instructions apply to the August 22, 2008, version of Winplot.) Basic graphing procedure Here is a step-by-step procedure for getting a quick preliminary graph of an equation in two variables.

    For most equations you will probably want to make later refinements to the graph. • Double-click the yellow Winplot icon to begin the program. • Click Window - 2-dim. • Click Equa, then click • Explicit for an equation of the form y = f(x), • Parametric for parametric equations x = f(t), y = g(t), • Implicit for a function defined implicitly by an equation involving x and y, • Polar for an equation r = f(t) in polar coordinates (t represents the angle q). • In the function window, type the formula for the function you want to graph. The remaining items in the window are optional. If you wish you can click color to choose the color of the graph.

    For explicit formulas, you may fill in low x and high x (or low t and high t) - the endpoints of the interval where the function is to be graphed. (For equations y = f(x) this is usually unnecessary, as normally there is no reason to restrict the graphing interval - but if you do fill in endpoints, you must check the lock interval box to activate them. For graphs in polar coordinates you will probably want to accept the default values of low t = 0, high t = 2p = 6.28318.).

    The pen width and plotting density boxes affect the thickness and density of the graph - usually there is no reason to fiddle with these. When you are finished with this window, click OK to draw the graph. Winplot will draw the graph in a window extending over the the x-interval [-5,5]. (See later instructions for changing this interval.) To make changes to the function you typed in, click it in the inventory window, then click edit and make the changes in the edit window. Click OK and the graph is modified accordingly. • To draw another graph on the same screen, go back and repeat steps 3 & 4. Indeed, you can draw many graphs on the same screen.

    ...'>Win Plot For Mac(24.01.2019)